The image of your brother letting you swap action figures really cracked me up. We’re all just born the way we are! I bet you’d have struggled with identity no matter where or how you grew up; you weren’t built for a smooth ride, and neither was I. There are all kinds of upsides to this, but we’ll never be comfortable or at peace, I assume.

Also: the site rules, man! Extremely sick IMO, ludicrously lucid overview / presentation of information. Dope dope dope!!!

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The way you phrase it sounds so inevitable, almost peaceful. My dad refers to people that aren’t like you and I as β€œsimple”. That always rubbed me the wrong way -- being a simple person sounds so wrong despite constantly striving for simplicity in design. If there is a creator who designed us (there isn’t), She must prefer the simple creations over the overly complex and struggling ones.

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This is the best thing you’ve ever written 🀍

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